This version is perhaps the most customizable of the lot.

The basic concept still applies, hard to remove threats, counterspells, and mana denial. A version i was playing when jace got unbanned can be found up top in the link.Ĭontrol moon is a blue moon shell that takes its inspiration from jason chung's list. This deck has been put on the shelf, as it's slow and can't compete with how fast modern has become recently. I personally have run several versions of the deck, and have written 2 different articles about it. This version was one of the first offshoots of Blue moon. The game play of attacking with pestermites and snapcaster mages, whilst having a combo in one's back pocket. A midrange, combo creature control deck, kiki-moon felt like Splinter twin in a lot of ways. Kiki-moon is the reincarnation of Splinter twin in a Blue moon shell. Jason chung's version of blue moon called back to the Born of the gods Version, but with new modern weapons at its disposal. Most modern deck couldn't stand up to the eldrazi menace, the exception being affinity, and Blue moon. Games routinely ended on turn 3 with reality smashers smashing face.
#Mtg modern madcap moon pro#
This pro tour was dominated by the menace known as colourless eldrazi, a deck powered by Eye of Ugin, and eldrazi temple, to create blisteringly fast starts. People abandoned the deck and it lay dormant for 2 years.ĭuring pro tour Oath of the Gatewatch however, Blue Moon made its return. Lee Shi-Tian had called the metagame very well, and though it was good in most matches, it was not very good against twin and affinity. Post pro-tour however, people began to realize the deck was not that powerful in their local meta. The sideboard complemented this with Teferi, Mage of Zalfir, an amazing card against control players, stopping them dead in their tracks, and making opposing countermagic dead.
#Mtg modern madcap moon full#
Running a full 10 islands ensured that you would not be colour locked, and able to function. Vedalken Shackles and Threads of disloyalty were effects that could steal the vaunted Tarmogoyf, one of the hardest cards to deal with in this deck outside of spell snare.

Using batterskull and the recently printed Master of Waves, to flood the board with 2/1's that could end the game in short order. The first iteration of Blue moon was at its heart, a pure control deck. Pro Tour Hall of Fame Elect, Lee Shi-Tian piloted the deck to a top 8 finish of that tournament. One of the first iterations of the deck that I could find was from Pro Tour Born of the Gods in 2014. A suite of burn, counterspells, and various cantrips churn through the deck to find answers. Using a mana base comprised mostly of basic islands and a couple of shock lands, it can choke an opponent out of the game on turn 3 all by itself. This essay will go over the history of the deck on the pro scene, the different evolutions of the deck, and different flavours of blue moon as of recently.īlue moon as stated above, is a blue-red control deck that plays Blood moon in the main deck. With most modern decks running 1-2 basics tops, resolving a blood moon can win the game outright. I've been playing the deck since the rise of eldrazi winter, When Jason Chung piloted the deck to a near top 8 finish, against the invading skittering force, known as the Eldrazi.īlue moon is a control deck that uses mana denial and counterspells to ensure no spells can be resolved. Blue moon is an archetype that has become something of pet favourite of mine.